Canada and the Crisis in Venezuela

Canada and the Crisis in Venezuela

Episode description

Tonight on From Embers we’re talking about the unfolding crisis in Venezuela, and specifically the role of the Canadian state and the Lima Group. We open with a bit of a rant about how tricky anti-imperialist politics can be for anarchists to navigate - somewhat coincidentally, the topic of the week on Anarchist News this week. Then we feature an interview with Lydia of the Women's Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu, a grassroots organization based in Toronto with ties to the Mapuche struggle in Chile. I asked her about Canada’s role in the intervention and recent actions she’s taken to disrupt mainstream narratives about so-called democracy in Venezuela.

A few background English-language anarchist articles about Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution:

Anarkismo Visit Report (2004)

Socialism to the Highest Bidder (2006)

True and False in Venezeula (2014)

Roland Denis Interview (2016)

Uruguayan Anarchists on Popular Power in Venezuela (2017)

Black Rose statement (2019)

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