From Embers

From Embers@fromembers

No Pride in Genocide

No Pride in Genocide

A post-Canada Day reflection on resistance to colonial celebrations.  Interviews with two Indigenous organizers, one about "Canada Day" here in Kingston, Ontario, and another on "Australia Day," also known as Invasion Day, which meets massive protests across Australia each January. Links: Background on the resistance to colonial birthday parties in Kingston. Idle No More Kingston (facebook link!) Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (also a facebook link!) Canada Day actions in Kingston in 2016, 2017, and this year. Some background on "Australia Day" and corporate media coverage of Invasion Day. After The Apology  

Freeing Our Relationships

Freeing Our Relationships

A conversation with a friend who recently gave an "introduction to anarchism" workshop and is also writing an article called "Making Our Relationships More Free." He's putting forward an anarchism that seeks a collective, relational freedom rather than an individual one. Topics include: - how to frame anarchism to people who don't understand it yet. - a forthcoming anthology about the place of individualism in anarchism. - the difference between freedom and capacity. - the definition of freedom, and how to envision freedom without relying on liberal or capitalist conceptions of the individual. - how we get free through changing and remaking our relationships with other people and other living things. - the possibility of global revolution. - the difference between anarchist analysis and revolutionary strategy. Links: The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin 23 Theses on Anarchism: Revolution is More Than A World The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement Entanglement: On anarchism and individualism

Reportbacks and Reflections from the G7

Reportbacks and Reflections from the G7

Stories from the Québec anti-G7 mobilizations, June 7-9. Two interviews, one with a RRAG7 (Réseau de Résistance Anti-G7) organizer in Québec and one with an Ontario anarchist previously charged with conspiracy for organizing against the Toronto G20 summit in 2010. Music by Keny Arkana.

Open The Borders

Open The Borders

Two interviews with people involved in supporting the thousands of refugees currently crossing irregularly into Canada from the United States through Southern Quebec.  Topics include migrant justice, border policy, countering the far right, and solidarity. For more information on Solidarity Across Borders: For more information on Bridges Not Borders: