Burnside Jail Protest and Prisoner Justice Day

Burnside Jail Protest and Prisoner Justice Day

Episode description

Conversations about prison organizing in Canada - interview with a Halifax organizer about the Burnside Jail protest and conversation about Prisoner Justice Day organizing in Nova Scotia and Ontario

Burnside prisoners' statement:


Info on the US prison strike:



Conversation about PJD organizing included thanks to CKUT Prison Radio -

Prison Radio airs the second Thurday of every month from 5-6 pm Eastern and the third Friday of every month from 11 am-12 pm Eastern. Montreal listeners can tune in to 90.3 fm or listen online at ckut.ca. Check out their website at prisonradioshow.wordpress.com

Black Power Hour is a weekly show airing Wednesdays 9-10 pm Atlantic on CKDU 88.1 fm in Halifax. The show "blends conscious hip hop with discussions of political, cultural, and social issues relevant to Black people" and maintains lines of communication with prisoners inside Nova Scotia prisons and jails. Listen online at ckdu.ca





No chapters are available for this episode.