Free Radical Radio

Free Radical Radio@freeradicalradio

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A Burglar's Guide to the City

A Burglar's Guide to the City

A Burglar's Guide to the City explores the architectural world around us by examining the movements of those that defy those structures and the "correct" way they're supposed to be used. If we've managed to move beyond the social and moral boundaries of this world, burglars have defied the more lite....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

The Broken Teapot

The Broken Teapot

The Broken Teapot audio zine.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3



“Come off it, that's ridiculous. How do you reconcile your life, [...] with anarchist theory?”.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

The Last Messiah by Peter Zappfe

The Last Messiah by Peter Zappfe

“Why, then, has mankind not long ago gone extinct during great epidemics of madness? Why do only a fairly minor number of individuals perish because they fail to endure the strain of living – because cognition gives them more than they can carry?” asks Peter Wessel Zapffe in his 1933 essay, â€....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

They Who Marry Do Ill by Voltairine De Cleyre

They Who Marry Do Ill by Voltairine De Cleyre

“So much as I have been able to put together the pieces of the universe in my small head, there is no absolute right or wrong; there is only a relativity, depending on the consciously though very slowly altering condition of a social race in respect to the rest of the world....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

Proudhon's Ghost - Lawrence Jarach

Proudhon's Ghost - Lawrence Jarach

Proudhon’s Ghost: petit-bourgeois anarchism, anarchist businesses, and the politics of effectiveness - by Lawrence Jarach This is the fourth of a series of four essays out of Anarchy: A Journal Of Desire, Armed issue #64, released at the end of 2007....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

Thinking From The Outside - Andy Robinson

Thinking From The Outside - Andy Robinson

Thinking from the Outside: Avoiding Recuperation, by Andy Robinson. This is the third of a series of four essays out of Anarchy: A Journal Of Desire, Armed issue #64, released at the end of 2007. That and some of my thoughts around it here....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

Capitalism Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry - Dot Matrix

Capitalism Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry - Dot Matrix

Capitalism means never having to say you’re sorry, by Dot Matrix This is the second of a series of four essays out of Anarchy: A Journal Of Desire, Armed issue #64, released at the end of 2007. That and some of my thoughts around it here....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

To Dance With The Devil - Aragorn

To Dance With The Devil - Aragorn

To Dance With The Devil, by Aragorn. This is the first of a series of four essays out of Anarchy: A Journal Of Desire, Armed issue #64, released at the end of 2007. That and some of my thoughts around it here....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3



A remastered cut of the most famous caller into John Zerzan's radio show: Adam Lanza..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

Second Best Life

Second Best Life

A recording of John Zerzan's Second-Best Life: Real Virtuality..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

ITS Communique #7

ITS Communique #7

This is a recording of the seventh communique of Individualists Tending Toward The Wild (ITS). First recording here. Second recording here. Third recording here. Fourth recording here. Fifth recording here....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

ITS Communique #6

ITS Communique #6

This is a recording of the sixth communique of Individualists Tending Toward The Wild (ITS). First recording here. Second recording here. Third recording here. Fourth recording here. Fifth recording here....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

ITS Communique #5

ITS Communique #5

This is a recording of the fifth communique of Individualists Tending Toward The Wild (ITS). First recording here. Second recording here. Third recording here. Fourth recording here. Text here..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

FRR Audiobooks, Leave Me Alone: Misanthropic Writings From The Anti-Social Edge

FRR Audiobooks, Leave Me Alone: Misanthropic Writings From The Anti-Social Edge

I once got into an argument at the anarchist study group in Berkeley, CA about where our anarchy came from.  As I usually do, I loudly proclaimed that all anarchy means to me is "No!" and nothing else.  To some at the group, this seemed an immature and childish sentiment, reminiscent of Crimethinc....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

Against the Logic of Work by Apio Ludd

Against the Logic of Work by Apio Ludd

Work dominates most of our lives... so much so that even when we're able to escape from our employers, we often re-create its logic by  working  towards a revolution, or some other abstract ideal of the future..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

Rape Fantasies by Margaret Atwood

Rape Fantasies by Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood is all the rage right now because of The Handmaid's Tale , some new TV show and book we all had to read in high school. Women being oppressed by governments is well-trod territory, but this piece tackles it from a different direction - self-imposed subjection....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

The Nothingness of Personality by Jorge Luis Borges

The Nothingness of Personality by Jorge Luis Borges

On Sunday we rid ourselves of gender, now it's time to remove EVERYTHING ELSE we attach to ourselves. It's only a 15 minute long piece, how much of an intro do you want? You've heard of Borges obviously....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifeso

Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifeso

This is a recording of Alyson Escalante's  Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto . You can read the text at the library . Recorded and edited by Dirtroll..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

ITS Communique #4

ITS Communique #4

This is a recording of the fourth communique of Individualists Tending Toward The Wild (ITS). First recording here. Second recording here. Second recording here. Text here..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

ITS Communique #3

ITS Communique #3

This is a recording of the third communique of Individualists Tending Toward The Wild (ITS). First recording here. Second recording here. Text here..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

The Nihilism of Buffo the Clown by Angela Carter

The Nihilism of Buffo the Clown by Angela Carter

Angela Carter is incredible and the only reason you’ve never heard if her is cuz I hadn’t introduced Rydra to her yet. YOU’RE WELCOME. She’ll be back. Carter was a prolific writer up until hear death in the 90s from smoking too many cigarettes....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

The Collected Writings of Renzo Novatore: Part 3

The Collected Writings of Renzo Novatore: Part 3

We must kill the christian philosophy in the most radical sense of the word. How much mostly goes sneaking inside the democratic civilization (this most cynically ferocious form of christian depravity) and it goes more towards the categorical negation of human Individuality....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

ITS Communique #2

ITS Communique #2

This is a recording of the second communique of Individualists Tending Toward The Wild (ITS). First recording here. Text here..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

ITS Communique #1

ITS Communique #1

This is the first of a series of audio recordings of ITS communiques. The primary reason I'm recording ITS specifically is personal. I've heard many strong opinions about ITS by those around me and as a result, I've wanted to read their communiques....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

The Collected Writings of Renzo Novatore Part 2: The Creative Nothing

The Collected Writings of Renzo Novatore Part 2: The Creative Nothing

Anarchy at it's peak is an explosion, a diffusion, the effervescence of being limitless.  Boundless as the basis for anarchy is a premise that cultivates freedom.  We find these qualities throughout the work of Renzo Novatore....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

The Collected Writings of Renzo Novatore Part 1: Introduction and Beginning Essays

The Collected Writings of Renzo Novatore Part 1: Introduction and Beginning Essays

     Anarchy at it's peak is an explosion, a diffusion, the effervescence of being limitless.  Boundless as the basis for anarchy is a premise that cultivates freedom.  We find these qualities throughout the work of Renzo Novatore....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3