Free Radical Radio

Free Radical Radio@freeradicalradio

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FRR 91: All The Things! On Billions of People and Anarchist Projects

FRR 91: All The Things! On Billions of People and Anarchist Projects

Squee and Rydra host episode 91 of Free Radical Radio and mostly discuss population size and anarchist's relation to the real, and anarchist news and the benefits and problems of different anarchist projects.  We open the show with some personal stuff, is the personal political? Then we get into an....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Anarchist Spirituality Presentation From the 2015 East Bay Anarchist Bookfair

Anarchist Spirituality Presentation From the 2015 East Bay Anarchist Bookfair

At some point, many Anarchists in North America will eventually cobble together enough experiences to gain an actual sense of self. At that point their lives will cease to be a desperate scramble to create and defend an insecure social identity, and the deeper question of how to relate to a complex ....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Doc and Fluff: A Dystopian Tale of a Girl and Her Biker

Doc and Fluff: A Dystopian Tale of a Girl and Her Biker

An Excerpt(Chapter 20) of Doc and Fluff by Patrick Califia read by Hyena       Written in the early nineties but set in the apocalyptic future, Doc encounters Fluff in a bathroom of the home base of the Alamo Angels biker gang....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

FRR 90: On The East Bay Anarchist Bookfair, Mass Shootings & Insubordinate Care

FRR 90: On The East Bay Anarchist Bookfair, Mass Shootings & Insubordinate Care

Hosted by Rydra, Squee, and Kelpsea.  We discuss our day at the East Bay Anarchist Bookfair in Oakland, CA.  We discuss tabling and presentations on mass shootings, self care for the damned, post-modernity, rojava, spiritual anarchy, and more.  What the fuck is nihilism?  Are we nihilists?  Can....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Silent in Gehenna by Harlan Ellison

Silent in Gehenna by Harlan Ellison

Voice: Rydra Editing & Production:  September.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

How's The Nightlife on Cissalda? by Harlan Ellison

How's The Nightlife on Cissalda? by Harlan Ellison

September does the voice, editing, and production, and outs themselves as being addicted to alien sex! Come and listen to a hilarious story of aliens, sex, societal decay, and the end of all but one of the human race!.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Treacherous Women: Kaneko Fumiko

Treacherous Women: Kaneko Fumiko

I don’t know where to start describing my relationship Kaneko Fumiko. Fumiko was a nihilist during in early 1920’s Japan. She grew up unwanted and abused – her parents never registered her when she was  born, meaning she didn’t legally exist for the first half of her life....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Treacherous Women: Kaneko Fumiko

Treacherous Women: Kaneko Fumiko

I don’t know where to start describing my relationship Kaneko Fumiko. Fumiko was a nihilist during in early 1920’s Japan. She grew up unwanted and abused – her parents never registered her when she was  born, meaning she didn’t legally exist for the first half of her life....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Flac, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3, WAVE

FRR 89: On the Irrational, Wild Reaction, Social War & Social Anarchy

FRR 89: On the Irrational, Wild Reaction, Social War & Social Anarchy

Rydra & Squee host Free Radical Radio and discuss the rational vs the irrational.  They break down RS(wild reaction) recent interview and talk about "wild nature" and leftism and resistance/violence.  They also discuss Hannah Arrendt on the public and private and spend a good deal of time on socie....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Interview with Paul Z Simons: Stories From Rojava On Revolution, Daily Life, and Hope

Interview with Paul Z Simons: Stories From Rojava On Revolution, Daily Life, and Hope

Paul Z. Simons, also known as El Errante, is interviewed by rydra on his recent trip to Rojava.  Paul tells stories of his trip, relays discussions he had with people in Rojava in the YPG, YPJ, taxi drivers, translators, and more.  Paul describes the situation in Rojava as a "post-leftist revoluti....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

FRR 88: We Just Want to Have Some Fun

FRR 88: We Just Want to Have Some Fun

Rydra and Squee host and discuss the horrors of Highland Hospital in Oakland, give report backs from Crimethinc's "To Change Everything" tour, discuss affinity and what means?, PBS documentaries on America's youth and how that relates to anarchy, and boring vs fun politix/anti-politix 0:00:00 - 0:07....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Driftglass by Samuel R. Delany

Driftglass by Samuel R. Delany

Driftglass is a tender monster story.  The monster is an amphiman gnarled by a deep sea accident.  In it Delany explores loss, aging, youth, pain, and memory, all experienced by those who live in a world in which they have little control.  It is a world of humans turned merpeople, working for the....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Bloodchild by Octavia Butler. Read by September

Bloodchild by Octavia Butler. Read by September

An audio version of the story "Bloodchild" by Octavia Butler.  Read by September and produced by Free Radical Radio.  Octavia Butler describes herself as "a forty-seven-year-old writer who can remember being a ten-year-old  writer and who expects someday to be an eighty-year-old writer......This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Armed Joy by Alfredo M Bonanno

Armed Joy by Alfredo M Bonanno

This book was written in 1977 in the momentum of the revolutionary struggles taking place in Italy at the time, and that should be borne in mind when reading it today. ... This book has become topical again, but in a different way....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 87: On Anarchist Scenes and Subculture

Episode 87: On Anarchist Scenes and Subculture

FRR returns with Rydra and Squee as they give an update on FRR's return and new projects(audiobooks & presentations) that we are getting into.  Rydra gives a report back from the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair, further discussion of Bob Black and social relationships, and they have a long discussion on....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Against Identity Politics: Spectres, Joylessness, & the Contours of Ressentiment

Against Identity Politics: Spectres, Joylessness, & the Contours of Ressentiment

Lupus Dragonowl's "Against Identity Politics: Spectres, Joylessness, & the Contours of Ressentiment," originally publishd in AJODA, is read aloud by Arabella Story Tella.  This essay discusses and critiques identity politics and identity politicians and offers a different way of seeing and viewing ....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Seattle Anarchist Bookfair: Hostis and the Politics of Cruelty

Seattle Anarchist Bookfair: Hostis and the Politics of Cruelty

Andrew, of the Hostis Journal, gives a 30 minute presentation at the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair on the politics of Cruelty.  In the talk Andrew discusses the religious history of anarchism, utopianism, apocalyptic millennarianism, revenge, movies, ethics & morality, and the problem with the "good l....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 86: On Avoiding Work, Post-left Anarchy, and How Discourse and Action Interact

Episode 86: On Avoiding Work, Post-left Anarchy, and How Discourse and Action Interact

Rydra and Squee host episode 86 of Free Radical Radio with the help of Rev. Doc and discuss Rydra and Bellamy's upcoming visit to Seattle for the Anarchist Bookfair, Wild Reaction's latest actions, post-left anarchy and why so many have so much trouble grasping what it means, work and how we attempt....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 85: Hack the Planet!

Episode 85: Hack the Planet!

Rydra and Squee host Episode 85 of Free Radical Radio.  They discuss recent attacks/hacks on the hardware and software of the internet, Tom Brower's revenge, monogamy and puritan values as they exist in society and what this means for our bodies, some actions and sabotage happening in the US and Me....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Bob Black

Bob Black

Bellamy interviews post-left anarchist Bob Black, author of such essays and books as the infamous "The Abolition of Work", Friendly Fire , "Primitive Affluence", Anarchy After Leftism , and Defacing the Currency ....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 84: C.R.E.A.M: Commodities Rule Everything Around Me

Episode 84: C.R.E.A.M: Commodities Rule Everything Around Me

Rydra and guest host Paul discuss the latest artificial intelligence developments and Google's involvement in them, including drawing computers, and sarcastic amoral artificial intelligence.  They also discuss the history of RS(Wild Reaction), RS political development, and some thoughts on converge....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Interview with Aragorn! of Little Black Cart

Interview with Aragorn! of Little Black Cart

Rydra interviews Aragorn! of Little Black Cart.  Aragorn! talks about the cosmology of LBC and discusses first and second wave anarchy.  Also discussed are:  what living the beautiful idea means in a not so beautiful world, the context of anarchist ideas and anarchist propaganda when LBC started ....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 83: Who Are Your Friends?

Episode 83: Who Are Your Friends?

Rydra and guest co-host T.V. discuss "To Our Friends" by the Invisible Committee, Fukushima problems and updates, artificial intelligence "progress" in Berkeley and much more! 0:00 Discussion of Rachel Dolezal and the protesting curfew in Oakland, 5:00 Rydra on Bellamy and a privileged access to the....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Alexander Dunlap on Álvaro Obregón

Alexander Dunlap on Álvaro Obregón

Bellamy interviews Social Anthropology doctoral candidate Alexander Dunlap on the presently unfolding resistance to wind turbine construction in Álvaro Obregó, Mexico, covering the topics of settler perceptions of indigeneity, renewable energy, and the green grabbing phenomenon, the idea of solida....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 82: On Dating, Death, and Hedonism

Episode 82: On Dating, Death, and Hedonism

Special guest host Squee joins Rydra for Episode 82!  0:00 - FRR introduces Squee  2:00- Fireside Chats: John Gray's Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals is analyzed, talk of consciousness, progress, morality, science and christian roots of science, apex predator depression 20:15 Ivan and the Beet....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 81: Chained to Happiness

Episode 81: Chained to Happiness

00:01:15: Alien Nation-States: G ö bekli Tepe, agriculture, and alienation 00:22:53: Music: “Vernon The Company Man” by Les Claypool's Fancy Band from the album Of Whales And Woe 00:25:23: “Chained to Happiness: Slavery and BDSM in the Speculative Fiction of Samuel R....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 80: In Which We Are Platonists

Episode 80: In Which We Are Platonists

Rydra and Bellamy abandon discussing the world in favor of Pure Ideas - this episode is the first in which we are devoid of news-type information! We appear to have some kind of microphone feedback going on that makes a whooshy, 1970's-phaser-esque sound go on through the background of the recording....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 79: On the Book Fair and BASTARD

Episode 79: On the Book Fair and BASTARD

0:00: Prime number eroticization and Rydra's patriarchy 0:47: Rydra and the Free Walruses 02:58: Tales of FRR tabling at the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair 10:22: Bellamy and Rydra report on BASTARD (note: Bellamy mistakenly calls Cincinnatus Greek, rather than Roman) 28:59: Music: Deltron 3030, “303....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 78: Don't You Dare Judge Their Slavery!

Episode 78: Don't You Dare Judge Their Slavery!

01:50: A spiritual defense of slavery and some thoughts on limiting critique 11:02: Venom and Vitriol: Rydra is ambushed with an accountability process 18:26: Luddites Anonymous: Holographic freedom 30:28: Music: Frank Zappa, “Bow Tie Daddy”, “Harry, You're A Beast”, and “What's the Uglies....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 77: The Rage and the Fucked Sound to which We Cleave

Episode 77: The Rage and the Fucked Sound to which We Cleave

This episode features Free Radical Radio's Classic Fucked Sound due to the absence of Rev. Dok. 1:37: Luddites Anonymous : There Is No Alternative 14:12: Luddites Anonymous : Let's Be Honest, You're Stupid 22:50: Luddites Anonymous : The Robot Familiar 31:52: Music : “Trilateral Commission As Dinn....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 76: Total Freedom & Anarchy: Only One Perfect -ism Away

Episode 76: Total Freedom & Anarchy: Only One Perfect -ism Away

Rydra and Bellamy host and Rydra begins by telling a way too long story about his ridiculous boss and laments the tragedy of living in a society in which murder is illegal!, complaining about liberals enjoying the beauty of production, and discuss the NAASN conference....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 75: FRR Destroys Strawmen That Are Ugly To Them

Episode 75: FRR Destroys Strawmen That Are Ugly To Them

0:00: Bellamy reports back on going to the PNW and the possible intersections of Zen Buddhism and anti-civilization anarchist theory 7:37: Bellamy’s take on having been on Anarchy Radio with John Zerzan; the infuriating persistence of egoist strawmen 20:40: FRR responds to friendly fire from Black....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 74: On Applauding "arson, violence and murder and little else"

Episode 74: On Applauding "arson, violence and murder and little else"

0:00: Rydra's praxis of littering? 3:22: Marine life feels the effects of pharmaceuticals; 9:19: Kent State ROTC arson; 10:52: Attempted prison revolt in South Texas; 15:19: Riot in South Carolina prison; 17:34: 'Black Sites' run by Chicago PD; 22:35: Fukushima continues to kill us; 29:08: Music: "I....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Interview with Jason McQuinn

Interview with Jason McQuinn

Bellamy interviews Jason McQuinn about his essay "Critical Self-Theory", playing devil's advocate by voicing some criticisms with which he is familiar but doesn't share. Later, they discuss free will (42:45); McQuinn's journal, Modern Slavery (45:05); and what a post-left anarchist praxis might be (....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 73: Against Justice, Equality, and Humanism...for Sharks

Episode 73: Against Justice, Equality, and Humanism...for Sharks

01:24 Rydra's reportback on the Frank Wilderson talk at Merritt College; 17:30 Rydra's reportback on Eric McDavid's talk at Station 40; 27:00 Taylor Swift!; 31:35 Crime News: prison break, sledgehammering at UC San Diego; 40:48 Sharks fight back, tangents...; 48:53 Humanity's idiotic ascent to Mars;....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 72: In Which Unfucked Sound Meets A Fucked World

Episode 72: In Which Unfucked Sound Meets A Fucked World

The longest episode ever! - 2:00: People pleasantly surprise Bellamy; 7:55: More bird-killing goo; 9:35: Genetically modified trees - it's happening; 20:13 Bellamy dissects the Zoltan Istvan interview by request; Rydra interviews poet Paul Murufas; 01:09:35: Resistance news; 01:16:25: Fukushima gloo....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Interview with Lawrence Jarach

Interview with Lawrence Jarach

Bellamy interviews Lawrence Jarach, an editor of AJODA: Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, and author of such essays as "Leftism 101," "Why I Am Not an Anti-Primitivist," and "Essentialism and the Problem of Identity Politics."  Bellamy and Lawrence discuss the rhetoric of civil disobedience in re....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 71: The Undying Appeal of Sorcery and Its Deleterious Effects on America's Youth

Episode 71: The Undying Appeal of Sorcery and Its Deleterious Effects on America's Youth

00.03.16: Rydra expresses his joy with various acts of criminality 00.15.57: As the World Burns: California aquifers contaminated by fracking waste; Lake Chabot toxified by cyanobacteria 00.22.12: The dangers of youthful sorcery! 00.27.47: Wingnut Confessional : Portland TWAC's Anti-Oppression Polit....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 70: 01/25/15: Interview with Agency and Fireside Chats with Dead Eastern Europeans

Episode 70: 01/25/15: Interview with Agency and Fireside Chats with Dead Eastern Europeans

0:00: Interview with Jen Angel and Ryan Only of Agency ; 42:58: As the World Burns: As the planet becomes increasingly uninhabitable, some call for AI overlords; 50:25: Rydra's Fireside Chat: Rydra reads Robert Musil, Emil Cioran, and Hermann Broch and tells us why we should care; 1:17:53: This Week....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Episode 69: 01/12/15: A New Year of Malaise

Episode 69: 01/12/15: A New Year of Malaise

Rydra and Bellamy begin the new year with an exceptionally freewheeling discussion, first of 2014's most absurd characters and their behaviors, and later to discuss psychology, education, and recuperation..This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

Interview with Transhumanist Zoltan Istvan

Interview with Transhumanist Zoltan Istvan

Bellamy interviews Zoltan Istvan, Transhumanist author, thinker, and columnist. They discuss: the social and ecological costs of technology, Bellamy's accusation of a religious character to Transhumanism, the class implications of Transhumanism, Istvan's Teleological Egocentric Functionalism, and mo....This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Essentia High GZ, Essentia Low GZ, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3