Episode 6: Forest Occupation, Activism, Climate Change, and Assorted Bullshit
Zack and Josh prattle on about the Atlanta forest occupation, activism, and climate change, in no particular order. Lots of tangents, but that’s the gist of it.
Zack and Josh prattle on about the Atlanta forest occupation, activism, and climate change, in no particular order. Lots of tangents, but that’s the gist of it.
In this episode I’ll be discussing animal liberation with my friend loom. I’ve really been looking forward to this conversation as loom is one of my favorite folks I’ve met online in addition to being a vegan, anarchist, and creator of the music you hear at the beginning and ending of every episode of Ego Death. I hope you enjoy listening as much as we did recording this one. CW: There is mention of animals being killed in some detail. If you are particularly sensitive to this type of content, probably best to avoid.
Our listeners asked, and we obliged. In this episode we take a deeper dive into the text Blessed is the Flame by Serafinski and discuss anarcho-nihilism more generally. While it is an undeniably beautiful piece of writing, our conception of nihilism, and its value to anarchists, diverge significantly. We hope you enjoy the chat, and if you don’t, you know where to find us!
Zack and Josh discuss nihilism, with a focus on context for future discussions. Many more to come.
Josh and Zack talk about conflict and justice in NA anarchist circles.
Intro/outro music by Loom During the length of our inaugural episode, we’re going to be introducing the podcast and ourselves, as well as talking about a series of recent attacks on the electrical grid in the US. We also touch on buddhism, Stirner, the urban/rural divide, and some more abstract ideas surrounding the topics we’ll be discussing.