Propaganda By The Seed

Propaganda By The Seed@propagandabytheseed

Propagating Trees & Perennial Vegetables From Seed

Propagating Trees & Perennial Vegetables From Seed

In the season finale of Propaganda By The Seed, we look back on our first year of doing the podcast and what we’ve learned from it.  We spend the bulk of the podcast detailing late fall activities that can be done to grow trees and perennial vegetables from seed.  Aaron lays out multiple methods for growing nut trees, stone fruit trees (peach, cherry, paw paw, etc.), and perennial vegetables from seed.  Starting a backyard forest garden or large scale planting can be very expensive and learning the methods of growing from seed is a fun and cheap way to save thousands of dollars.  We talk about where to get these plants, how to store and stratify then, and how to fertilize them, take care of them and transplant them.     Thanks for listening to Season One of Propaganda By The Seed.  If you’ve enjoyed this podcast we’d love to hear from you, pop us an email at edgewoodlandscapes (at) yahoo or sole (at) .   If you want to support us financially you can pick up some plants from Edgewood Nursery or subscribe to the Sole patreon.

"Its a Good Time To Plant a Garden"

"Its a Good Time To Plant a Garden"

In today’s episode of Propaganda By The Seed we wanted to do a basic gardening episode to get people growing in these dark times.  Considering that this year is already full of uncertainty and chaos learning to grow food can only be a positive thing.  In this episode we talk about the basics of starting plants from seed, preparing a bed using sheet mulching,getting the plants in the ground, using compost to produce healthy plants and obtaining the things you need to get the whole project off the ground.   We also talk about using cold frames and low tunnels for season extension and discuss some of our favorite perennial plants to grow.  There is lots of information for new growers and experienced growers  To follow this episode up, if people have questions we’ll be hosting a live Q&A on jitsi on Monday, March 30th 2020, 7PM EST here. In this episode we mention the planting specifications from the Fedco Catalogue, you can view it here or check out the interactive version of the vegetable seed chart here.   To support this project you can pick up seeds, trees and plants from Edgewood Nursery(Use the code SOLECAST for 10% off) or support sole on patreon.     Music: Our Hero is Gone : "Like Weeds"