Explicit Cornelion Cherries with Little John

Cornelion Cherries with Little John

Episode description

In this episode we chat with Little John about his favorite plant obsession, Cornelian Cherries (Cornus mas). We cover propagation, maintenance, harvest and a few of the hundreds of uses for the fruit (and other parts of the plant!). After a few heavy topics, it’s nice to take a little break and just shoot the shit about a fascinating plant.

Little John is a prolific maker of memes, which you can find at https://tinyurl.com/cornusmemes

He is also the founder of North American Scion Exchange Facebook Group and a admin of the Cornelian Cherry Growers group.

If you are looking to purchase Cornelian Cherry trees you might try: One Green World, Fedco Trees, Cricket Hill Garden, Whitman Farms or Hidden Spring Nursery

Propagating by cuttings: Jay Grace has had very good rates of success rooting dormant cuttings in the fall with mist and bottom heat. He says rooting hormone is not needed

No transcript available for this episode.